Why join IG Metall?

We ensure good working conditions.

Secure the support of a strong and reliable organization. Benefit from collective agreements with favorable conditions, including regulated working hours and regular salary increases. Experience transparency and expand your knowledge of your rights as an employee.

Legal protection

Disputes with an employer or a social insurance agency are sometimes unavoidable – cases may occur following an accident at work, after notice of dismissal or a written warning, because of long-term illness, over the amount of a pension decision, about a compensation claim or about the contents of a pay slip. Disputes of this sort happen more frequently than you might think. Over 2,000 complaints are submitted to German employment and social welfare courts every day. And lawsuits are expensive. We offer our members free legal advice in employment and social welfare law , but also tax and residence law, insofar as it affects the employment relationship. Often enough it is possible to avoid a lawsuit because we have local knowledge of the workplace and of the situation. If a judicial dispute cannot be avoided, our legal expenses insurance takes over. Legal representation is free, if necessary, at every level of the judicial system. We win over 100 million euros for our members every year. But it’s about more than just money. Back pay, withdrawal of dismissal notices, higher pension entitlements – for us that’s all just part of social justice. Rechtsberatung :: IG Metall Berlin (igmetall-berlin.de)

Leisure time accident insurance

Worried about a fall when skiing or getting injured on a cycling trip? Employees are insured against accidents at work, but IG Metall also provides its members with assistance when they have an accident in their free time. Our leisure time accident insurance covers accidents outside of the workplace and is valid worldwide. That means that it applies equally when playing a sport, gardening at home, or cycling on holiday.

Events and professional network

IG Metall offers a variety of events and professional networking opportunities. These events are designed to help members connect with industry professionals, expand their professional networks, and stay informed about the latest developments in their field. By participating in these events, members can gain valuable insights, share experiences, and build relationships that can enhance their careers. Whether it’s workshops, seminars, or social gatherings, IG Metall provides numerous opportunities for professional growth and development.

Assistance in the event of death

Should the worst happen, we also support our members and their bereaved survivors in the event of a death. The benefits are based on the period of membership. The key factor is the average contribution of the last 12 months as per the contract of employment (1 percent of gross income). For example, in the case of a monthly contribution of 27 euros over a membership period of over 20 years, the assistance for survivors amounts to a one-off sum of 850.50 euros. Should a member’s partner die, the assistance for our member amounts to one half of the aforementioned sum, provided that they have both lived in the same household. IG Metall thus offers a benefit that was deleted from the list of benefits by the statutory health insurance providers in 2004.

Assistance in the event of a strike

Strikes make us heard and respected. Our ability to strike is a demonstration of our strength – and therefore also of our political importance. Strikes are not an end in themselves but they are sometimes unavoidable – and then of course IG Metall also supports its members financially. The payments, known as strike benefits, are calculated for each affected worker according to the duration and amount of their personal contributions. This does not apply to token strikes. The calculation of strike benefits is based on the length of membership. Assistance is also available in the event of disciplinary measures and lockouts

One thing is clear: When our members get involved in trade union matters, they must not face retaliation as a result. Should the employer still cause problems, such as by threatening penalties or by means of actual disciplinary measures or discrimination, we support our members right down the line, because solidarity is indivisible. Neither must our members suffer discrimination if they take part in a strike action authorized by IG Metall. The same applies in the event of a lockout if the strike action has been authorized by the Executive Board of IG Metall.

Assistance in the event of extraordinary emergencies

As part of a community based on solidarity, we can rely on one another in a pinch. IG Metall members who find themselves facing extraordinary hardship as a result of an unforeseeable event can apply for financial assistance. After the nature of the emergency has been described in person, the local executive of the responsible branch of IG Metall can set the level of assistance to be provided. In collective emergencies, such as during the catastrophic floods of 2013 and 2016, IG Metall responded promptly and with no red tape.

Calculate your personal IG Metall benefits

Strike pay, leisure time accident insurance, support in the event of death: simply enter your average gross monthly income in the benefits calculator and you will receive an overview of the benefits you can receive from IG Metall.


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