Metal and electrical collective bargaining round 2024

IG Metall demands 7 percent more money - and 170 euros for trainees

08.08.2024 | 7 percent more money for 12 months - 170 euros more per month for trainees: Following the decision of the collective bargaining committees, the IG Metall executive board has now confirmed the demand for collective bargaining in the metal and electrical industry. Collective bargaining will start in September.

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Here you can find Özge Karabulut, member of IG Metall Berlin youth, explaining the joint demands.

Foto: Reiner Kunze

IG Metall wants to boost purchasing power and support the economy with a 7 percent pay rise for employees and 170 euros more for trainees. This demand was approved by the union's executive board in Essen on Tuesday. The decision was preceded by discussions and resolutions in the regional bargaining committees with elected representatives from the companies.

Under the slogan "Solidarity wins", IG Metall is launching the collective bargaining round for the 3.9 million employees in the metal and electrical industry in the fall. IG Metall is also calling for a social component and greater recognition of working hours.

Covering the increased cost of living - Supporting purchasing power and economic development

"Our demand reflects both the situation of employees and companies and is urgently needed," explains Christiane Benner, First Chairwoman of IG Metall. "The inflation rate may be falling, but prices at the supermarket checkout remain high for people. The increases and one-off payments from the previous bargaining results have been used up. Now the employees deserve a reliable permanent result with seven percent more money."

Especially trainees are suffering from the increased cost of living. That is why their salary must increase above average by 170 euros.

The running time of the new collective agreements on salary for employees and trainees should be 12 months.

In addition to employees, domestic demand as an anchor of stability for the economy also requires significantly higher wages in the German core sector. "Our colleagues and the economy as well need a decent increase and therefore good prospects now," emphasized Benner.

"The same applies to securing the country's future and employment through politics and companies: Massive investment is needed now."

Supporting lower incomes - more options for working hours 

IG Metall wants to give special consideration to the lower income groups in companies with a social component (Since lower income groups are particularly hard hit by price increases and inflation, IG Metall is also calling for a so-called social component. This could be an additional lump sump, for example. The exact scope and type of component have not yet been determined.)

IG Metall also insists that employers take better account of employees' workloads and commitment when it comes to working hours: "Commitment from employees for their colleagues, for society and democracy needs more recognition." The existing options between time and money for full-time employees with shift work, care or parenting responsibilities should be extended to more people and topics.

"With our demand, we are also taking the difficult situations of companies into consideration," emphasizes Nadine Boguslawski, who is responsible for collective bargaining policy on the board of IG Metall. "In return, we expect the employers to respect the situation and the reality of the employees' lives."

The seven IG Metall districts will start the first negotiations in mid-September. The collective wage agreement for the metal and electrical industry expires on September 30. The peace obligation ends on October 28, 2024, after which warning strikes are possible.

However, our demands will not be simply enforced – we must fight for them! It’s important to have a strong kick-off for this upcoming collective bargaining round. Therefore, we cordially invite all members to the kick-off event. Join us for the demonstration and rally on Saturday, September 14th in Potsdam.

09:10 a.m. – Tech Workers of IG Metall meet-up at S-Bahnhof Westkreuz, at the railway tracks

09:20 a.m. – Departure with S7 direction Potsdam Hbf

10:30 a.m. - Meeting at Neuer Lustgarten, Potsdam city square

11:00 a.m. - Demo through the city center

12:30 p.m. - Rally at Bassinplatz Potsdam

approx. 15:00 p.m. - end of the event

There will be drinks and music with a live band.

The schedule may change due to the requirements of the local authorities. We will inform you as soon as possible.

Von: igm/ translated by Sabrina Lamers

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